Bali Ocean Swim Result 2018

Bali Ocean Swim Result 2018
Once again Bali Garden Beach Resort is proud to sponsor and provide the venue for the 9th Bali Ocean Swim (BOS) event at Kuta Beach, which was held on Sunday, July 1st, 2018.
The Bali Ocean Swim is a premier fund-raising event for the Bali Sports Foundation (BSF). The event raises money for BSF to fund their swimming programs for people with disabilities.
This year’s swimmer participants are from Indonesia, Australia, Japan, Italy, USA, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong who competed in excellent conditions under a clear blue sky. Overall there are 93 swimmers registered for 1.2K, 5K and the premier event 10K distance. The 1.2K had 4 categories – Junior (12 – 17 y.o) Adult (18 – 35 y.o) Master (36-55 y.o) and Veterans (over 55 y.o), the 5K swim had 3 categories (Junior, Adult and Master) and the 10K event was an open for everyone.
The swimming course is arranged by Balawista Lifeguards who also provided the support and supervision for the swimmers throughout the event.
Our very own Bali Garden Beach Resort’s Security Team sent five of their members to take part in this event. They trained twice a week for several months leading up to the event. Our regular guest Jean Burling and Sherry Breadman have been a great support with their training and swimming tips to our Security Team.

Jaime Bowler from Perth Australia won the 1st place again this year. She has been winning the 1st place since 2015. The youngest participant for the 10 Km was I Gusti Ngurah Panca (16 years old) from Indonesia who was on the 3rd place. Our Security Team received the Barry Beardman Trophy in recognition of their commitment and dedication. The trophy was presented by our General Manager, Mr. Craig Biber.